Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Recording studio was delivered

Waiting to get electric out to it. 

Class of 2021 is over. Fundraising now to start the next class. We can't do it without financial support! Please help if you can!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

This month at Sunflower Harbor homeless outreach April 2021

Great month for JD! He got ID and a bank account!  Happy dance! We discussed his program and he's decided to stay with us a good while which makes us very happy! He's gotten another promotion to teacher and is on his way to program coordinator.

Toward the beginning off then month, Jan Turner, Michael Bolton and Nesy came down and brought us lots of goodies from home along with awesomely helpful donations from Marie Tedai. Awesome visit with everyone. 

Aaron's friend,  Max came out to see him and go to Los Angeles with him.  

Kikio had  Kittens. They were preemies.  3 survived birth and 1 is still alive. 

We squired 2 rabbits. One is a Bunny named kitten. Potty training the boy to do his business in a box to be easier to collect.  

Our good friend, Joe came out to visit. 

Presented Aaron with his graduation certificate

Aaron and Max headed to Los Angeles mid month.  They stayed a little over a week before returning. 

The guys got a stove and oven working! 
They set up a desk for everyone in the dining room and moved the dining table to the pantry room after cleaning it out. So we have a new dining area and a classroom. Very excited about this! 


Recording studio was delivered Waiting to get electric out to it.  Class of 2021 is over. Fundraising now to start t...